• Hjallis Haavisto Hanif University of Turku
  • Antti Harkimo Avila University of Turku
  • Pekka Lindtman Einstein University of Turku


Purpose of the Study: The study sought to determine the role of technology in lesson planning in comprehensive schools in Tampere, Finland

Statement of the Problem: The study aims to investigate the extent and effectiveness of technology integration in lesson planning within comprehensive schools in Tampere, Finland. The research seeks to understand the current practices of technology usage by teachers, the types of technological tools and resources employed, and the impact of technology on student engagement and learning outcomes. Additionally, the study will address the challenges faced by educators in utilizing technology for lesson planning and explore opportunities for enhancing professional development and support in this context.

Methodology: The study was literature based. The study collected and analyzed existing research and publications to inferences.

Findings: The findings reveal that technology plays a significant and evolving role in lesson planning within comprehensive schools in Tampere, Finland. Teachers in Tampere's comprehensive schools are increasingly incorporating technology into their lesson plans, leveraging digital resources and tools to create engaging and personalized learning experiences for students.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the role of technology in lesson planning within comprehensive schools in Tampere, Finland, holds significant potential to transform teaching and learning practices. Addressing challenges such as equitable access to technology and providing targeted professional development opportunities for teachers is essential to maximize the positive impact of technology on lesson planning and to foster a student-centered and innovative learning environment in Tampere's comprehensive schools.

Recommendations: Comprehensive schools in Tampere should prioritize providing regular and targeted professional development programs for educators, focusing on technology integration in lesson planning. Workshops, training sessions, and online courses can help teachers develop their technological skills and explore innovative teaching methodologies that align with the student-centered approach. Educational policymakers should ensure equitable access to technology resources across all comprehensive schools in Tampere. This can be achieved through strategic budget allocation for technology infrastructure and equipment, and collaboration with private enterprises to secure additional technological resources for schools with limited access.

Keywords: Technology, Lesson Planning, Comprehensive Schools, Finland

Author Biographies

Hjallis Haavisto Hanif, University of Turku

University of Turku

Antti Harkimo Avila , University of Turku

University of Turku

Pekka Lindtman Einstein, University of Turku

University of Turku


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How to Cite
Hanif, H. H., Avila , A. H., & Einstein, P. L. (2023). ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LESSON PLANNING IN COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS IN TAMPERE, FINLAND. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(9), 13 -20. Retrieved from