
  • Raja C. Singh Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India
  • Swaran J Siddiqa Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore, Pakistan


Purpose of Study: The study aimed to investigate the approaches employed in resolving border conflicts among Southern Asian nations. Border disputes have been a persistent problem in the region, causing strains in diplomatic relations and sometimes leading to military confrontations. The objective was to understand the effectiveness of existing resolution mechanisms and to recommend improvements.

Statement of the Problem: The study aimed to analyze various approaches to border conflict resolution among Southern Asian nations, where disputes over territory have led to tensions and sometimes military confrontations. The research examined diplomatic negotiations, arbitration, and multilateral forums as methods for addressing these issues. Despite various efforts, the study found that the region still struggles with unresolved border conflicts, often due to historical complexities and the high stakes involved in terms of resources and national identity.

Methodology: A mixed-method research approach was employed. Qualitative data were gathered through interviews with policy-makers, diplomats, and experts in international relations. Quantitative data were collected through the analysis of historical case studies involving border conflicts in Southern Asia. This information was analyzed using comparative analysis and thematic coding techniques.

Result: The results revealed a variety of approaches in resolving border conflicts, ranging from bilateral negotiations to third-party mediation. It was found that mechanisms involving multilateral forums and international law were often more effective than unilateral or bilateral efforts. However, the study also noted significant limitations, including the influence of domestic politics and the absence of robust enforcement mechanisms.

Conclusion: Diplomatic negotiations appeared to be the most effective and preferred method for long-term conflict resolution, although they often require time and political will that might be lacking.

Recommendation: Therefore, the study recommends fostering regional cooperation through platforms like ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) for sharing best practices and establishing a neutral body that could serve as a mediator. This will facilitate more effective dialogue and hopefully lead to lasting resolutions of border disputes.


Keywords: Border Conflict, Southern Asian Nations, Diplomatic Negotiations, Arbitration, Regional Cooperation


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How to Cite

Singh , R. C. ., & Siddiqa, S. J. . (2023). APPROACHES TO BORDER CONFLICT RESOLUTION AMONG SOUTHERN ASIAN NATIONS. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(12), 11–22. Retrieved from


