
  • Franklyne Manono
  • John Mugubi
  • Eliud Situma


Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to examine narrative dispositions in modern video games. Narrative dispositions are the ways in which video games tell stories.

Research methodology: The study employed a multidimensional framework to analyze narrative dispositions. This framework included elements such as plot structure, characters, conflicts, themes, player agency, and player-character relationships. The study also conducted a comprehensive review of existing literature on video game narratives.

Findings of the study: The study found that modern video games employ a variety of narrative strategies, including nonlinear storytelling, branching paths, and the integration of choices by players to tell unique narratives. The study also found that video games are increasingly using narrative to explore complex themes and ideas.

Conclusion: The study concludes that video games are a dynamic narrative medium that is capable of captivating audiences in unique ways.

Recommendations: The study recommended that game developers should continue to explore the potential of narrative to engage players and tell compelling stories. The study also recommended that critics and scholars should pay more attention to the narrative aspects of video games. The study also recommended that players should be encouraged to think critically about the narratives of the video games they play.

Keywords: Narrative, Dispositions, Modern, Video, Games


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How to Cite

Manono, F., Mugubi , J., & Situma, E. (2023). NARRATIVE DISPOSITIONS IN MODERN VIDEO GAMES. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(12), 39–56. Retrieved from


