
  • Josephine Joseph Mkunda Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
  • Bukaza Chachage Open University of Tanzania-Iringa
  • Lughano Kusiluka Mzumbe University
  • Liliane Pasape Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology


Purpose of the study: This paper highlights the determinants of consumers’ buying behavior of processed sardine products from Lake Victoria basin by determining consumers’ knowledge and attitudes in relation to buying decision towards processed sardine products.

Short introduction of problem statement: Literatures postulated that consumer behavior describes how individuals and groups select, buy, use and dispose goods, services, idea or experience to satisfy their need and wants. Consumer buying behavior is affected by uncontrollable factors that need to be considered while understanding consumers. Since the public health authorities are promoting fish consumption in order to improve public health, in addition it has been shown that the value contributions of sardine product in Lake Victoria basin is not reflecting its landings, therefore it is important to determine the  consumers’ knowledge and attitudes in relation to buying decision towards processed sardine products.

Method/methodology: Data was collected from 190 consumers in Mwanza, Mara and Kagera regions in Tanzania. After prior testing the data to fit the linear regression model, the multiple linear regression model using SPSS program version 24 was employed to analyze the collected data.

Results of the study: The results have indicated that consumers’ product knowledge and attitudes were the main determinants of buying intentions of processed sardine products. Significant result at (p<0.001) on product knowledge and attitude was obtained proving that consumer knowledge on the products creates consumers’ attitudes towards the products. Consumer knowledge predictors were able to explaining the consumer attitude variance by 68.4% and 39.2% for sardine products dried on grass and nets and dried on rocks respectively.  In addition, consumers’ attitudes and product knowledge in relation to buying intention was significant at (p<0.001), implying that the predictors were the main determinants for purchasing of products in question. The analysis have indicated that the buying intention had significant correlation with consumers’ eating habits, family preferences and consumers’ attitudes.

Conclusion and policy recommendation: Strategic marketing planning of processed sardine products should focus on increasing consumers’ attitudes by creating knowledge through products labelling and improve the value addition technologies. The value addition should focus on determining the nutritional content and shelf life of different processed sardine products. Processors participating in national and international exhibitions will increase subjective and objective knowledge as well as improve the consumers’ attitudes towards processed sardine products. 

Key words: Attitude, product knowledge, buying intention, theory of planned behavior.

Author Biographies

Josephine Joseph Mkunda, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology

Post Graduate Student, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology 

Bukaza Chachage, Open University of Tanzania-Iringa

Open University of Tanzania-Iringa

Lughano Kusiluka, Mzumbe University

Mzumbe University

Liliane Pasape, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology

Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology


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How to Cite

Joseph Mkunda, J. ., Chachage, B. ., Kusiluka, L. ., & Pasape, L. . (2019). CONSUMERS’ PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES AS DETERMINANTS OF BUYING INTENTION OF PROCESSED SARDINE PRODUCT: CASE OF LAKE VICTORIA BASIN. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(7), 54–70. Retrieved from


