• Emily S. Ong National Institute of Education- Nanyang Technological University
  • William Tan Koh National Institute of Education- Nanyang Technological University
  • Angela Teo National Institute of Education- Nanyang Technological University


Purpose of the Study: The study aimed to investigate the role of code-switching in Singaporean ESL classrooms, focusing on its impact on classroom discourse and student comprehension.

Statement of the Problem: There is lack of empirical data that either supports or refutes the pedagogical benefits of code-switching in this specific educational context. Given Singapore's linguistic diversity, understanding the implications of code-switching is crucial for ESL education.

Methodology: The study employed mixed methods, including classroom observations and semi-structured interviews with both teachers and students. A total of ten ESL classrooms across various age groups and competency levels were observed, and 30 interviews were conducted to gather qualitative data.

Result: Findings revealed that code-switching serves multiple functions. Teachers primarily used it for clarification and emphasis, while students used it as a tool for peer-assistance and comprehension. Quantitative data indicated that 72% of students felt that their understanding improved when the teacher used code-switching to explain complex concepts. However, it was also observed that excessive code-switching led to a degree of learner reliance, diminishing opportunities for students to engage in pure English discourse.

Conclusion: In conclusion, code-switching was found to be a useful strategy for certain instructional purposes, but it should be employed judiciously to prevent negative pedagogical implications. Teachers should be trained to use code-switching as a targeted tool to aid understanding while gradually reducing its use as students become more proficient in English.

Recommendation: The study recommends that schools adopt a flexible language policy, allowing for targeted code-switching while also emphasizing the importance of immersive English learning. Further research is recommended to explore the long-term effects of code-switching on ESL students' language proficiency.

Keywords: Code-switching, ESL Classrooms, Singaporean Education, Classroom Discourse, Student Understanding


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How to Cite
Ong, E. S., Koh , W. T., & Teo, A. (2023). CODE-SWITCHING IN SINGAPOREAN ESL CLASSROOMS: HOW IT AFFECTS CLASSROOM DISCOURSE AND STUDENT UNDERSTANDING. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(13), 10 - 24. Retrieved from