
  • Fernando Alckmin Yadav University of Brasília
  • Geraldo Moro Farooq University of Brasília
  • Sergio Haddad Fujimori University of Brasília


Purpose of the Study: the study sought to explore the effects of Climate Change and Food Production. A Case Study of Soybean Production in Brazil
Statement of the Problem: The problem of climate change and food production, exemplified by the case study of soybean cultivation in Brazil, centers on the disruptive impacts of changing climatic conditions on agricultural systems. Altered temperature patterns, irregular rainfall, and shifting pest dynamics challenge traditional farming practices, leading to reduced soybean yields, compromised nutritional quality, and potential socioeconomic vulnerabilities.
Findings: Shifting climate patterns disrupt traditional agricultural timelines, creating uncertainty in planting and harvesting schedules and leading to decreased yields. Elevated temperatures cause heat stress during vital growth phases, affecting flowering, pod development, and seed quality, resulting in reduced overall production. Additionally, irregular precipitation patterns and water scarcity further exacerbate these issues, underscoring the vulnerability of soybean cultivation to changing climate conditions.
Conclusion: The evident disruptions in planting and harvesting schedules, reduced yields due to heat stress, and water scarcity issues collectively underscore the vulnerability of food production systems to changing climate patterns. The study emphasizes the pressing need for proactive measures, including the adoption of climate-resilient crop varieties, implementation of precision agriculture technologies, formulation of supportive policies, and global collaboration to ensure sustainable food production, rural livelihoods, and broader agricultural resilience in the face of an evolving climate.
Recommendations: To effectively address the intricate challenges of climate change on soybean production in Brazil, a multifaceted approach is crucial. Promoting research and development of climate-resilient soybean varieties tailored to local conditions can enhance the sector's adaptability. The integration of precision farming technologies, such as remote sensing and data analytics, can optimize resource allocation and mitigate climate-induced risks. Governments should formulate policies that incentivize sustainable agricultural practices, including subsidies for adopting climate-resilient techniques and providing insurance against climate-related losses. Lastly, international collaboration and knowledge-sharing platforms should be established to facilitate the exchange of successful strategies, fostering a global effort to safeguard food production in the face of climate change.

Keywords: Climate Change, Food Production, Soybean, Brazil

Author Biographies

Fernando Alckmin Yadav, University of Brasília

University of Brasília

Geraldo Moro Farooq , University of Brasília

University of Brasília

Sergio Haddad Fujimori, University of Brasília

University of Brasília


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How to Cite

Yadav, F. A. ., Farooq , G. M. ., & Fujimori, S. H. . (2023). CLIMATE CHANGE AND FOOD PRODUCTION; A CASE STUDY OF SOYBEAN PRODUCTION IN BRAZIL. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(14), 1–12. Retrieved from


