Statement of the Problem: Public Benefits Organizations (PBOs), as education stakeholders, play an important role in school management. However, in many secondary schools in Mashuuru Sub- County, there have been cases of unhealthy staff relations, poor maintenance of facilities and under-utilization of instructional materials.
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of public benefits organizations on management of public secondary schools in Mashuuru Sub- County, Kajiado County, Kenya.
Methodology: A mixed research method and concurrent triangulation design were used. Target population was 314 respondents, including 10 principals, 197 teachers, 93 school BoM members, 13 PBO coordinators, and the sub-county director of education. Yamane's Formula determined a sample of 175 respondents. The study employed a multi-stage sampling approach in Mashuuru Sub- County and divide the area into two strata based on the number of zones using various sampling techniques. This resulted in a sample consisting of six principals, 150 teachers, 12 school Board of Management (BoM) members, six PBO coordinators, and one Sub- County Director of Education. Descriptive frequencies and percentages and inferential Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Analysis were used to analyze quantitative data in SPSS 23 and present it in tables.
Findings: The study established that the levels of collaboration with different stakeholders such as BoM, government, parents and PBOs are still not fully exhausted.
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a strong, positive, and statistically significant relationship between the frequency of collaboration with Public Benefits Organizations (PBOs) and the effective management of secondary schools. Specifically, schools that collaborate more frequently with PBOs tend to have better staff relations, improved physical facilities, and more frequent utilization of curriculum support materials.
Recommendations: School management should include directors of potential PBOs, which support education in the school management committees. The PBOs should fully undertake their tasks of creating awareness to schools on the value of offering quality education to students.
Keywords: Public Benefits Organizations, management of public secondary schools, collaboration.
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