Purpose of the study: Private universities in Kenya play a key role in the economy yet they find it difficult to attract and retain teaching staff. The purpose of this study was to assess how these universities could reduce the turnover intentions of their teaching staff and eventually turnover.
Statement of problem: Private universities in Kenya are plagued by high turnover of teaching staff which affects the quality of education. This is due to inability to recruit and retain highly qualified academic staff because of various challenges faced by these universities. These challenges have led to the dissatisfaction and demotivation of the said staff resulting in their turnover intentions, some of these eventually covert into turnover. It is necessary to look into ways of minimizing the above challenges so as to retain teaching staff in private universities.
Objective of study: The objective of this study was to determine the mediating effect of employee motivation on the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intentions among teaching staff in Kenya’s private universities.
Method/methodology: The study was anchored on mixed theory of emotional intelligence and it was guided by positivism philosophy and used cross-sectional survey design. It focused on all 36 private universities in Kenya. A sample size of 364 teaching staff was obtained through stratified proportionate random sampling. A structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data.
Results of the study: The study results established that there is significant partial mediating effect of employee motivation on the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intentions among teaching staff in Kenya's private universities. The null hypothesis was therefore rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted.
Conclusion and policy recommendation:
The study concluded that if employee motivation mediates on the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intentions among teaching staff in Kenya’s private universities it leads to less intentions of these staff to quit their jobs. The research recommends the leadership of these universities to employee teaching staff with high emotional intelligence. Employees in these institutions be trained on emotional intelligence at institutional and personal level. These institutions should invest more on both intrinsic and extrinsic employee motivation. All in private universities be trained on emotional intelligence and employee motivation.
Key Words: Employee Motivation, Emotional Intelligence, Turnover Intentions, Teaching Staff, Private Universities, Kenya
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