
  • Hassan Ibrahim Mohamed
  • Dr. Bernard Kipyegon Kirui


Statement of the Problem: Performance of employees is an important factor for all organizations worldwide. It describes the timely, effective, and efficient fulfilment of tasks by specific individuals in order to meet organizational goals. However, performance of employees has been low with many unable to meet set deadlines characterized with productivity.

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to examine factors influencing employees’ performance in County Governments with a particular emphasis on Mandera County.

Methodology: Target population was 1030 medical staff consisting of Doctors, Nurses, pharm technologists, lab technicians, Clinical officers, Community Health Workers and Nutritionists from which a sample of 205 respondents was drawn. Quantitative data was analyzed using Structural Equation Model. Stratified random sampling technique was employed a descriptive summary design was used to select 94 health facilities that yielded interviews with 205 health care workers, grouped into different types of cadres.

Findings: The study found that 33.0% of the respondents agreed that they are likely to leave their current work station, and 35 percent of the respondents were neutral. This is attributed to cases of insecurity, remuneration problems, lack of progression policies, feedback and unattractive salaries.

Recommendations: The County Governments should increase workplace flexibility, strengthen supervisors' interpersonal relationships with subordinates, provide job aid, provide performance feedback, and improve work incentives. County Governments may boost their employee performance by providing their workers with better compensation, job security, and recognition programs as well as boost work-place security.

Keywords: Factors, security, retention policies, employees’ performance.  


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How to Cite

Mohamed, H. I. ., & Kirui, B. K. (2023). FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE IN THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS: A CASE OF MANDERA COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(15), 41–49. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/493


