
  • Urmas Ligi Stefanko Tallinn University
  • Aivar Paet Haines Tallinn University
  • Jürgen Sõerd Göloglu Tallinn University


Purpose of the Study: Standardized testing can both provide valuable insights into student performance and learning while also imposing high-stakes pressures that may hinder a well-rounded educational experience. The study sought to investigate standardized testing and student learning in Tallinn, Estonia

Statement of the Problem: The use of standardized testing in Tallinn's secondary schools raises concerns about the balance between accountability and the well-being of students, as the high-stakes nature of these exams can lead to stress and anxiety, potentially undermining the positive aspects of learning. The potential impact of teaching to the test, the unequal preparedness of students from diverse backgrounds, and the effectiveness of standardized testing in evaluating a culturally diverse student population all contribute to the complex issue at hand.

Findings: The findings in secondary schools in Tallinn, Estonia suggest that standardized testing, while serving as a tool for measuring student achievement, places considerable stress on students due to its high-stakes nature. Moreover, "teaching to the test" practices are observed, which can limit the depth and diversity of education. Disparities in student preparedness are evident, with students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and linguistic groups facing unequal access to resources and opportunities, potentially impacting their test performance and overall learning experiences.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the high-stakes nature of standardized testing in Tallinn's secondary schools necessitates a more balanced approach that preserves accountability while addressing the well-being of students. To create a more equitable and effective education system, ongoing dialogue and innovative solutions are required to enhance the quality of education in Tallinn and better prepare students for the challenges of the future.

Recommendations: To address the challenges posed by standardized testing, Tallinn's secondary schools should diversify their assessment methods, incorporating continuous assessment and project-based evaluation, while providing educators with professional development opportunities to foster innovative, well-rounded teaching practices. Furthermore, a targeted support system must be established to address disparities in student preparedness, ensuring that all students, regardless of background, have an equal opportunity to succeed in Tallinn's educational landscape.

Keywords: Standardized Testing, Student Learning, Secondary Schools, Estonia

Author Biographies

Urmas Ligi Stefanko, Tallinn University

Tallinn University

Aivar Paet Haines , Tallinn University

Tallinn University

Jürgen Sõerd Göloglu, Tallinn University

Tallinn University


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How to Cite

Stefanko, U. L., Haines , A. P. ., & Göloglu, J. S. . (2023). STANDARDIZED TESTING AND STUDENT LEARNING AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TALLINN, ESTONIA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(17), 12–21. Retrieved from


