Statement of the Problem: Distance which learners cover while going to school on a daily basis determines their level of concentration in class and their eventual learning outcomes in number work activities. However, in Embakasi East Sub- County, many pre-primary school learners manifest low number work skills.
Purpose of the Study: To assess the influence of distance from school on learning outcomes in number work activities among learners in public pre-primary schools in Embakasi East Sub-county, Nairobi County, Kenya.
Methodology: The study adopted mixed methodology and applied concurrent triangulation research design. Target population was 2804 respondents comprising 23 headteachers, 103 pre-primary school teachers, 136 parents’ representatives and 2542 pre-primary school learners from which a sample of 350 respondents was obtained using Yamane’s Formula. Stratified sampling was used to create five strata based on the number of zones in Embakasi East Sub-county. From each zone, two headteachers and two parents’ representatives were selected using purposive sampling. However, from each zone, 16 teachers and 52 learners were selected using simple random sampling. This procedure enabled the researcher to sample 10 headteachers, 80 pre-primary school teachers, 10 parents’ representatives and 250 learners. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically along the objectives and presented in narrative forms. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively using frequencies and percentages. Inferential analysis was also undertaken using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis with the help of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS 23) and presented using tables.
Findings: The study established that many pre-primary school learners have challenges undertaking number work activities. This is attributed to the fact that many learners live in slums and go to school on foot, which affects their levels of concentration due to fatigue.
Recommendations: The Ministry of Education should liaise with other relevant agencies to improve the road infrastructure and thus, provide cheap transport for pre-primary school learners to school.
Keywords: Distance from school, number work activities, learning outcomes, pre-primary schools.
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