• Margaret Jepkemboi Ayub Egerton University
  • Teresa Njonge Egerton University
  • Thomas K. Ronoh Egerton University
  • Micah C. Chepchieng Egerton University


Purpose of the Study: The study sought to establish the influence of individual factors on educational participation of student mothers in public secondary schools in Baringo County, Kenya. The hypothesis of the study was that there is no statistically significant influence of individual factors on educational participation of student mothers in public secondary schools in Baringo County.

Statement of the Problem: Student mothers in Baringo County miss classes, drop out of school, fail to complete their homework, lack full concentration in school and class activities, have negative attitude towards school related activities, feel lonely, emotionally disturbed, hopeless and lack self-drive, determination and confidence to complete their secondary education.

Methodology: This study was ex-post facto in approach, which utilized the correlational research design.  The target population for the study was 22158 student mothers in Baringo County while the accessible population was 1279 student mothers in public secondary schools in Baringo County. The sample size for the study was 296 student mothers selected using stratified random sampling from 34 public secondary schools in Baringo County. The study used closed-ended questionnaires to collect data from student mothers.

Results: Results indicated that there was a statistically significant positive and strong relationship between student mothers’ individual factors and their educational participation in secondary schools (r=0.728; p< 0.05). The individual factors of student mothers accounts for 53.0% (R2=0.530) of the variation in their educational participation in secondary schools. One unit increases in the individual motivation of student mothers would result into 0.932 units increase in the educational participation of student mothers in their secondary schools with other factors held constant (β=0.932; p<0.05). Therefore, the study hypothesis stating that there is no statistically significant influence of individual factors on educational participation of student mothers in public secondary schools in Baringo County was rejected at 5% significance level.

Conclusion: The study concluded that there is a statistically significant positive and strong relationship between student mothers’ individual factors and their educational participation in secondary schools. It was further concluded that individual factors have a significant influence on student mothers’ educational participation.

Recommendation: The study recommends student mothers to have positive attitudes towards childcare roles rather than feeling stressed due to conflicting demands of motherhood and student requirements. For these positive attributes to be instilled in the student mothers, the study recommends teacher counsellors to offer guidance and counselling to student mothers once they return to school. Also, parents should change the socialization process to the plight of student motherhood due to emerging trend of the changing values in the society.

Keywords: Individual Factors, Student Mothers, Educational Participation

Author Biographies

Margaret Jepkemboi Ayub, Egerton University

Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations Egerton University

Teresa Njonge, Egerton University

Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations Egerton University

Thomas K. Ronoh , Egerton University

Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations Egerton University

Micah C. Chepchieng, Egerton University

Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations Egerton University


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How to Cite
Ayub, M. J., Njonge, T., Ronoh , T. K., & Chepchieng, M. C. (2023). INDIVIDUAL FACTORS INFLUENCING EDUCATIONAL PARTICIPATION OF STUDENT MOTHERS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BARINGO COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(17), 68 - 86. Retrieved from