
  • Aggrey Kinasha Herman


Purpose of Study: The study sought to assess the role of financing Monitoring and Evaluation strategies on the water supply project performance in Dodoma City Council.

Statement of Problem: There is inadequate financing of monitoring and evaluation strategies in Tanzania's water supply projects, thus affecting their effective implementation and overall performance.

Methodology:  The study used a descriptive research design and mixed methods approach, involving 170 respondents selected via the Yamane formula, with data collected through structured questionnaires and interviews, and analyzed using SPSS (Version 26) employing descriptive statistics, logistic regression, and correlation analysis.

Result: The study found that M&E financing strategies have statistically significant relationship (β = 0.083, p<0.05) on-water supply projects performance. The correlation between financing of monitoring and evaluation activities and water supply project performance was also significant, r =0.817, P ˂ 0.01).

Conclusion: The study concludes that financing strategies for monitoring and evaluation significantly affect the performance of water supply projects. Further, the study concludes that there is a meaningful correlation between the financing of monitoring and evaluation activities and the overall success of these projects.

Recommendation: The study recommends allocating 2%-10% of project budgets to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities, ensuring independent fund utilization. It also advises that organizational leaders actively participate in M&E design, offering support to project staff. This approach will enhance decision-making, planning, and the effective use of learned lessons.

Keywords: Monitoring and evaluation, water supply, financing of monitoring and evaluation strategies.


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