
  • Bishop Flavian Kassala MATINDI St. Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Dr. Negussie Andre DOMNIC St. Augustine University of Tanzania


Purpose of the Study: The study aimed at unveiling the mystery of Mission and servant leadership among Christians in Tanzania.

Statement of the Problem: The existing gap in understanding and practicing mission and servant leadership among Tanzanian Christians impacts the effectiveness and sustainability of leadership within faith-based communities, necessitating a comprehensive assessment to enhance leadership approaches.

Methodology: This study employed a descriptive survey research design to understand Christians interpretation of servant leadership among from their mission and Leadership experiences in Tanzania. Mixed methods approach was used to design the data collection tool which was a questionnaire and was sent online to 400 Christian faithful residing in Tanzania.

Result: The study findings established that most participants trust their religious leaders with personal issues and believe they stress community service. It found that a majority acknowledge the delegation of decision-making by leaders, but opinions are split on whether leaders place others' success before their own, illustrating diverse views on their influence and priorities. The study found that a majority of participants viewed their religious leaders positively regarding ethical standards, care for others, community help, and personal interactions. Most respondents also see themselves as missionaries and feel the Church cares for its members. Activities in which Christians partake are diverse, with charity work, social services, and Church building being predominant. Moreover, respondents generally understand the Church’s mission, with a large percentage involved in Church activities and guided by faith-based values in their mission.

Conclusion: The study concludes that religious leaders are highly esteemed, reflecting their ethical integrity and engagement in the community. High Church activity participation underscores a community anchored in faith, with members embodying the Church’s mission through service and charity.

Recommendation: Christians should live and act the way Jesus taught them. Christians are recommended to give back to the community as way of winning more people to Christ through service. Christians to exemplify Jesus’ teachings through community service, inspiring broader commitment to the faith.

Keywords: Mission, Leadership, Servant leadership, Jesus Christ, Service

Author Biographies

Bishop Flavian Kassala MATINDI, St. Augustine University of Tanzania

St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza/Tanzania

Dr. Negussie Andre DOMNIC, St. Augustine University of Tanzania

St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza/Tanzania


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How to Cite

MATINDI, F. K., & DOMNIC, N. A. (2023). MISSION AND LEADERSHIP IN AFRICA: ANALYSIS OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP IN TANZANIA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(17), 140–163. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/520


