
  • Dr. Nehemiah Kiprop Kiplagat, PhD Kabarak University


Purpose of Study: The purpose of the study was to establish if Quality Management affect supply chain performance in manufacturing sector in Kenya.

Problem Statement: The manufacturing sector in Kenya has faced stagnation and decline since the 1970s, with new firms having a low survival rate and the sector's contribution to GDP and exports remaining minimal. Despite the competitive environment demanding high efficiency, there's limited research on the effect of Quality Management on operational performance within the country.

Methodology: This study employed descriptive research design to achieve these objectives. The study population comprised of 400 managers working at East Africa Breweries Limited in the following management positions: senior management, middle level management and lower level management. This study sampled 10% of the target population using stratified random sampling technique. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive, inferential and content analysis methods. IBM SPSS Statistics version 21 was used to aid in data analysis. Quantitative data analysis results were presented using charts and tables.

Result: The results revealed that that quality management (94.6%) affect supply chain performance at EABL. Quality management (β=.607, p=.000) was also found to positively and significantly affect supply chain performance at EABL.

Conclusion: This study concludes that quality management significantly and positively impacts supply chain performance at East African Breweries Limited (EABL), indicating the critical role of quality management practices in enhancing operational efficiency within the company.

Recommendation: This study recommends that East African Breweries Limited (EABL), should continue to invest in and strengthen its quality management practices. This should involve adopting advanced quality management frameworks, continuous training for employees on quality standards, and integrating cutting-edge technology to monitor and enhance quality throughout the supply chain.

Keywords: Quality management, supply chain performance, operational efficiency, continuous improvement, manufacturing industry.

Author Biography

Dr. Nehemiah Kiprop Kiplagat, PhD , Kabarak University

Acting Director, Institute of Postgraduate Studies


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How to Cite

Kiplagat, N. K. . (2024). EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT ON SUPPLY CHAIN PERFORMANCE IN KENYA’S MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(4), 9–24. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/549


