Purpose of the Study: The objective of the study was to examine the effect of logarithmic calculation errors on students’ performance in Mathematics in public secondary schools of Mwala sub-county, Machakos County, Kenya.
Methodology: This study employed a descriptive survey approach, targeting 6,720 students and 192 Mathematics teachers across 68 public secondary schools in Mwala Sub-County. A total of 672 students and 40 teachers from 20 randomly selected schools participated.
Findings: The findings of the study indicate that mechanical and computational mistakes significantly impact students' performance in mathematics tests on logarithms.
Conclusion: The study concludes that computational and mechanical errors significantly impact students' performance in mathematics tests on logarithms.
Recommendation: The study recommends that teachers should leverage these errors to develop interventions aimed at reducing them. Additionally, teachers have to be careful in the way they present logarithm concepts during the teaching process.
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