
  • Ngatia Edith Muthoni Pan African Christian University


Purpose of the Study: The objective of this study was to review extant conceptual, theoretical, and empirical literature on transactional leadership, with a view to identify gaps and propose a theoretical model on emerging phenomena in transactional leadership.

Methodology: The study explored the constructs of contingent reward, management by exception, laissez-faire, transformational leadership, and charismatic leadership through an extensive literature review.

Study Findings: The literature review revealed that when transactional and charismatic leadership are applied as moderating and mediating variables, they enhance the effectiveness of transactional leadership.

Conclusion: Based on the findings, further research is proposed to investigate the effect of the different dimensions of transactional leadership when transformational and charismatic leadership are applied to enhance the effects of transactional leadership in nutrition leadership.

Keywords: Transactional, Leadership, Nutrition, Programs, Literature

Author Biography

Ngatia Edith Muthoni, Pan African Christian University

PhD Student, Department of leadership, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Ngatia, E. M. (2024). TRANSACTIONAL LEADERSHIP IN NUTRITION PROGRAMS: A REVIEW OF LITERATURE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(5), 16–32. Retrieved from


