
  • Egessa N. Christine Pan African Christian University


Introduction: Innovation has become a buzzword for every organization, large or small, in developed or emerging markets, owing to the benefits it promises, most notably in terms of providing organizations with a competitive edge. Innovation can take many forms, including process and product improvement, new product development, technological advancements, and sustainability, to name a few.

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the various types of innovation models proposed by Roy Rothwell, including the first-generation model (technology push), the second-generation model (market pull), the third-generation model (coupling method), the fourth-generation model (integrated model), the fifth-generation model (network model), and finally the sixth-generation model (open innovation model), emphasizing both their advantages and disadvantages.

Methodology: This study is based on a comprehensive literature review of the innovation models proposed by Roy Rothwell. The researchers have examined the existing academic literature, case studies, and industry reports to gain a thorough understanding of these models and their applications in contemporary organizational settings.

Findings: The study reveals that different organizations may choose innovation models based on the specific impact they wish to achieve. Some organizations may opt for models that help them maintain their market position, while others may choose models that enable them to disrupt the current market or make incremental product improvements.

Conclusion: Understanding the various innovation models proposed by Roy Rothwell is crucial for organizations to navigate the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of innovation. By applying these models' assumptions to their specific contexts, organizations can better understand the innovation process, its constraints, and guide future research in this field.

Keywords: Models, Innovation, Generations

Author Biography

Egessa N. Christine, Pan African Christian University

PhD Student, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Egessa, C. N. (2024). MODELS OF INNOVATION BY GENERATIONS. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(7), 1–15. Retrieved from


