
  • Margaret K. Otolo
  • Stephen M.A. Muathe
  • Linda Kimencu


Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of intrapreneurial strategies on performance of public universities in Kenya. The study investigated the effect of innovativeness, risk-taking, pro-activeness, and self-renewal on performance of public universities, and was guided by Schumpeter innovation and the resource-dependency theories.

Statement of the Problem: Over time inadequate funding has adversely affected the performance of Kenyan public universities with only one Kenyan public university ranking among top 200 universities in Africa in 2023 and earlier years, in the Webometrics ranking. Adoption of intrapreneurial strategies has been found to be key to performance in various sectors, including public universities in developed countries.

Methodology: The study used a combination of descriptive and explanatory research designs. The unit of analysis was 36 public universities in Kenya. A total of 400 respondents, chosen using multi-stage sampling was the unit of observation. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Multiple regression models were used to test the association between variables.

Result: The study revealed that innovativeness (β-0.146, p=0.013<0.05), risk taking (β-0.065, p=0.032<0.05), pro-activeness (β-0.163, p=0.023<0.05) and self-renewal (β-0.446, p=0.000<0.05) have a positive and significant relationship with performance of public universities in Kenya.

Conclusion: The study concluded that the adoption of intrapreneurial strategies improves performance of public universities. The study, therefore, recommends Vice-Chancellors of public universities to adopt innovativeness, pro-activeness, risk-taking and self-renewal as these have a significant and positive relationship with performance.

Recommendation: The study recommends the Ministry of Education, Government of Kenya and relevant policy makers to institute reforms and organise forums that promote intrapreneurship adoption within public universities, as this promotes overall university performance.

Keywords: Intrapreneurship, Intrapreneurial Strategy, Organisational Performance, Public University Pro-Activeness, Risk-taking, Self-renewal

Author Biographies

Margaret K. Otolo

School of Business, Economics and Tourism

Stephen M.A. Muathe

School of Business, Economics and Tourism

Linda Kimencu

School of Business, Economics and Tourism


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How to Cite

Otolo, M. K., Muathe, S. M., & Kimencu, L. (2024). IMPROVING PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN KENYA: DOES INNOVATIVENESS, RISK-TAKING, PRO-ACTIVENESS, AND SELF-RENEWAL MATTER?. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(8), 18–40. Retrieved from


