
  • Gabriel Mwendwa Kitonga Kenyatta University
  • Maina Rugami Kenyatta University


Purpose of the study: The study analyzed the Marketing Strategies and Performance of Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute.

Establishment and Objectives: Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) is a State Research Body established within the provision of Science and Technology Act (1979) Cap 250 charged with the responsibility to undertake research in Marine and freshwater fisheries, aquaculture, environmental and ecological studies and marine research including chemical and physical oceanography, in order to provide scientific data and information for sustainable exploitation, management and conservation of Kenya’s fisheries resources and aquatic environment and contribute to National strategies towards food security, poverty alleviation, and creation of employment.

Problem statement: KMFRI is facing stiff competition among its peers in Marine Research Field, a situation which has led to the Institute sometimes losing/missing out on research opportunities/projects which translate to critical grants to her peers/competitors such as the Kenya Fisheries Services (KFS), Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) among other state Research Institutions with interest in Marine Environment Research.

Study Methodology: The researcher adopted the cross-sectional descriptive survey design. The targeted population was 47 respondents comprising all KMFRI marketing officers from Mombasa center, Naivasha station, Baringo station, Shimoni Center, Sagana Aquaculture Center, Kisumu Center, Kegati Aquaculture Center, Sangoro Aquaculture Station and Turkana Station.

Conclusions: The study concluded that pricing and product strategies are generally positively related to the organization’s performance while promotion and distribution strategies are negatively but insignificantly related to the performance.

Recommendations: The study recommended that Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Centers should continually adopt Pricing and Product Development Strategies as these tactics were found to have a positive impact on the organization’s performance. Further, the study recommended that Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Centers do not critically require promotional and distribution strategies since they were found to be negatively related to the performance.

Keywords: Pricing Strategy, Product Strategy, Promotion Strategy, Distribution Strategy Performance, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Mwendwa Kitonga, Kenyatta University

Post graduate Student, Kenyatta University

Maina Rugami, Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Kitonga, G. . M., & Rugami, M. (2019). MARKETING STRATEGIES AND PERFORMANCE OF KENYA MARINE AND FISHERIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(10), 30–43. Retrieved from


