
  • Douglas Lukhova Indeje Daystar University, Kenya
  • Dr. Justice Mutua Daystar University, Kenya


Purpose of the Study: The study aimed to assess the dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage of telecommunications companies in Kenya, investigating the impact of sensing, seizing, and reconfiguration capabilities on firm competitiveness within the sector.

Findings: The research revealed that sensing and seizing capabilities are crucial for a firm's competitive advantage in the telecommunications industry. Additionally, factors such as adaptability, innovation, learning, development, and resource mobilization were identified as key elements influencing a company's competitive edge.

Conclusion: The study concludes that to sustain a competitive advantage in the telecommunications sector, firms need to prioritize the development and deployment of dynamic capabilities, including sensing, seizing, and reconfiguration. Attention to factors such as adaptability, innovation, learning, and resource mobilization is essential for maintaining competitiveness in this dynamic industry.

Recommendation: The study recommends that telecommunications firms in Kenya focus on enhancing their dynamic capabilities, particularly in sensing, seizing, and reconfiguration. Moreover, attention should be given to fostering adaptability, innovation, learning, development, and effective resource mobilization strategies to sustain and strengthen their competitive advantage in the market. Additionally, future research should explore the development of parallel strategic practices and organizational techniques to further enhance competitiveness in the telecommunications industry.

Keywords: Telecommunications, Dynamic capabilities, Competitive advantage, Strategic Agility

Author Biographies

Douglas Lukhova Indeje , Daystar University, Kenya

PhD Candidate, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya

Dr. Justice Mutua, Daystar University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Business & Economics, Daystar University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Indeje , D. L. ., & Mutua, J. (2024). DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF THE TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(8), 77–91. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/603


