• Ouma Geoffrey Kisii University, Kenya
  • Awuor Mzee Kisii University, Kenya
  • Wamuyu Kanyi Patrick USIU-A, Kenya
  • Maake Bernard Kisii University, Kenya


The years from 2007 has seen the Banking industry in Kenya has experience growth and transformation when it comes to technology and this is mostly attributed to the integration of cloud computing. A comprehensive literature review that goes through the multifaceted landscape of cloud security within the Kenyan banking sector has been provided in this article. By  Conducting through Framework and model analysis that include KLDAP-RBAC,SRA(Security Reference Architecture), Integrated Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS), Multifactor authentication and Multi-Cloud Databases (MCDB), this review gives a comprehensive assessment of their strengths, their weaknesses and their ways of application. Cloud security governance concept is examined by using the shared security responsibility model. Mobile cloud computing security integration further characterizes augments of the discussion, addressing the challenges faced by the mobile banking sector. This review is as a foundational resource for banks and stakeholders who have the aim to strengthen their cloud security setup in the dynamic and fast-evolving Kenyan banking setting. Drawing upon these insights, the banking industry can come up with a secure and resilient path toward continued innovation and customer-centric services.

Keywords: Cloud security, Data Security, Security Frameworks, Security Reference Architecture, Banks, KCB, Kenya

Author Biographies

Ouma Geoffrey, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Computing Sciences, Kisii University, Kenya

Awuor Mzee, Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Computing Sciences, Kisii University, Kenya

Wamuyu Kanyi Patrick, USIU-A, Kenya

School of Science and Technology, USIU-A, Kenya

Maake Bernard , Kisii University, Kenya

Department of Computing Sciences, Kisii University, Kenya


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How to Cite
Ouma , G., Awuor, M., Wamuyu, K. P., & Maake, B. (2024). APPLICABILITY OF CLOUD SECURITY FRAMEWORKS AND MODELS IN THE KENYAN-BANKING SECTOR: A REVIEW. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(9), 81 - 99. Retrieved from