
  • HABIBA Abduba Kenyatta University
  • Dr. NDERI Caroline Kenyatta University


Background of the study: This research study aimed to evaluate how the adoption of hybrid work strategies impacts employee performance within the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA). The study's objectives included investigating the influence of workforce management and organizational culture on employee performance at the National Transport and Safety Authority. The job demands-resource theory and person-environment theory guided the study. 

Research Methodology: The research employed a descriptive survey design to gather data by describing the current phenomenon. The research encompassed a population of 222 workers situated at the NTSA main office in Nairobi, Kenya. The anticipated sample size was 130 employees. The study employed stratified random sampling, where relevant strata were formed by departments. To assess content validity, the evaluation involved a supervisor and two experts. Reliability testing will utilize the Cronbach's Alpha test, with a cutoff set at values greater than 0.7. A semi-structured questionnaire is set to be prepared and distributed among the selected respondents on purpose. The gathered data underwent scrutiny to ensure completeness, and a descriptive statistical analysis was carried out. Quantitative data results were showcased through tables and statements of fact. The study aimed to show that public sector could adopt the hybrid work strategy by showing how employees perform when given the room to have a flexible work strategy and what needs to be done to ensure they can work remotely when needed.

Results and findings: The findings indicated that 70.3% change in employee performance at NTSA was significantly explained by its hybrid work strategy workforce management (p<0.05) and organizational culture (p<0.05).

Conclusions and recommendation: It was concluded that hybrid strategy is a significant predictor of employee performance. It was recommended that human resource managers working with National Transport and Safety Authority should invest more resources in training of employees to ensure they acquire latest and relevant skills and competences to survive in an increasingly turbulent environment.

Author Biographies

HABIBA Abduba, Kenyatta University

Masters Student, Kenyatta University, School of Business, Economics and Tourism, Kenya

Dr. NDERI Caroline, Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Kenyatta University, School of Business, Economics and Tourism, Kenya


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How to Cite

Abduba, H. ., & NDERI , C. (2024). HYBRID WORK STRATEGY AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT AND SAFETY AUTHORITY IN NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(11), 23–40. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/634


