• Othoo Calvince Ouko University of Nairobi


Purpose of the Study: The main aim of this study was to assess past and present climate impacts from communities’ points of view and establish community-led adaptation strategies and a roadmap for pastoralists in Kajiado County using an innovative participatory tool for climate resilience building.

Statement of the Problem: While climate-induced impacts continue to affect poor rural pastoral communities and their livelihoods, these communities are rarely involved in developing locally led adaptation roadmaps that reflect their realities. The opportunities that lie in community-led programs have never been fully explored by the scientific community, despite the promise that participatory techniques hold in climate resilience building at the grassroots level.

Methodology: This study employed an innovative participatory assessment of climate and disaster risk (PACDR) methodology to assess climate impacts among the Maasai community of Kajiado County, Kenya. Specifically, the study used ten PACDR tools to engage the community through focus group discussions formed along six gender groups, with cumulative participation of about 120 community members.

Results: The study established that communities still prefer their own indigenous/traditional strategies for combating climate change, such as migration, despite the challenges that some practices may pose on the environment. In addition, the study discovered an increased sense of ownership when communities are involved through participatory approaches in developing their own adaptation strategies, based on their perspectives and what works for them in line with their prevailing social, cultural, and environmental conditions.

Recommendation: This paper recommends the use of the innovative PACDR in future community climate risk assessments among ASAL (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) communities in East Africa.

Keywords:  Participatory, Climate Risk, Assessment, Vulnerability, Community 

Author Biography

Othoo Calvince Ouko, University of Nairobi

Institute of Climate Change for Adaptation, Department of Earth and Climate Sciences (ECS), University of Nairobi, Kenya


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