
  • Ncurai D. Mucee MKIM
  • Ng’ong’a E. Aketch MKIM


Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effects of innovative efforts on the relationship between board diversity and performance.

Problem statement: The study was premised on the hypothesis that innovative efforts spearheaded by a diverse board is crucial for the organizational survival, performance and growth. This study tested the hypothesis that SACCO Boards taking cognizant of their vital role of safeguarding the interests of stakeholders by embracing innovative efforts will maintain good performance, ward off competition, and respond to the ever-changing market needs of their stakeholders.

Methodology: The study adopted descriptive cross-sectional and correlational research designs. Data was collected from 105 respondents from a sample size of 108 Deposit Taking Saccos in Kenya. A semi structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Descriptive and Inferential Analysis were conducted using R software.

Results of the study: The study revealed that board diversity has a statistically significant and positive effect on performance, while the moderating effect of innovative efforts is statistically insignificant but positive.

Conclusion and policy recommendation: The study take cognizant of the important role of diverse boards in improving organizational performance, whilst embracing innovative efforts. The study recommends the need to ensure that boards are diverse based on competency, qualifications and experiences and that innovative culture is an integral part of the organizational culture.

Keywords: Board diversity, Innovation Efforts, Performance, SACCOs, Kenya

Author Biographies

Ncurai D. Mucee, MKIM

Management Consultant and Strategy Expert

Ng’ong’a E. Aketch , MKIM

Business Strategy Expert


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How to Cite

Mucee, N. D., & Aketch, N. E. (2024). BOARD DIVERSITY AND PERFORMANCE: EXPLORING THE MODERATING EFFECTS OF INNOVATION EFFORTS. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(12), 124–142. Retrieved from


