• Dr. Paul Machoka Management University of Africa


Purpose of the study: The study investigated strategy implementation and its effect on performance at Red Cross Country Programme; established the extent to which strategy Operationalization, organizational structure and strategy communication, how it has affected the performance of Red Cross Programme.

Introduction of Problem Statement:

Red Cross Kenya has experienced problems in meeting the targets set in its Country Strategy for Kenya. The Programme, which aims at addressing needs of people in areas of Health, Education, Emergency Response and Advocacy, has over the past three years experienced problems in achieving the set targets in each of these areas.

Method/methodology: This research was conducted through a case study using survey design. The target population of this study was the staff working at Red Cross Kenya Country Programme from where the researcher drew a representative sample.  To achieve the study objective, the research utilized a self administered questionnaire and secondary data from libraries and Red Cross Kenya records. The target population of this study was the staff working at Red Cross Kenya Programme. The researcher examined a   sample of staff drawn from the population of 173 staff working in SC Red Cross Kenya Programme. A sample of 30% from within each group in proportions that each group bear to the population as a whole was taken using stratified random sample. This generated 52 respondents for this study Data was analysed using SPSS 20 for windows. Tables were used to summarize responses for further analysis and facilitate comparison. This generated quantitative reports through tabulations, percentages, and measure of central tendency. Data collected was purely quantitative and therefore was analyzed by descriptive analysis.

Results of the study: Most respondents agreed to a great extent that effective communication of the strategy is an important factor that enables the organisation to achieve its organizational objectives and the strategic implementation has top leadership commitment which ensures successful communication of the strategic direction throughout the organization as was shown by a low mean of 2.000 and 2.333.

The study further revealed that a majority of the respondents’ agreed to a great extent that they were aware of policies of Save the children comprising of 42 percent and that these policies had been aligned to the strategy of Save the children as was shown by a majority of 52 percent

Conclusion and policy recommendation: The study concludes that most respondents’ were aware of the annual plan and strategic plan and targets that lead to improved performance. In addition, the study concludes that operationalization, cascading and communication of strategy have a great effect on implementation and performance at Kenya Red Cross Country Programme.

Key words: Operationalization, Cascading, Communication, Strategy & Strategy implementation.


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How to Cite
Machoka, D. P. (2019). AN ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECT OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(11), 50 - 66. Retrieved from