Purpose of Study: The study aimed to examine the influence of entrepreneurial green consumer demand on the innovation performance of manufacturing SMEs in Nairobi.
Statement of Problem: There is a need to understand how entrepreneurial green consumer demand impacts the innovation performance of manufacturing SMEs in Nairobi, as this relationship could inform better marketing and innovation strategies within the sector.
Methodology: The study employed a descriptive design, targeting 172 SMEs in Nairobi's manufacturing sector. A stratified random sample of 120 owner-managers was surveyed using questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis involved descriptive and inferential statistics, with linear regression assessing variable relationships.
Result: The model results indicated that the coefficient of entrepreneurial green consumer demand has a positive and statistically significant relationship with the innovation performance of manufacturing SMEs (β = 0.787, p = 0.0001 < 0.05). The study recommends that SMEs in Kenya adopt consumer-driven marketing practices, as they significantly enhance innovation.
Recommendation: SMEs in Kenya should adopt consumer-driven marketing practices to enhance innovation performance.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial green consumer demand, innovation performance, Manufacturing SMEs, Nairobi
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