• Dr. Disterius Ondieki Nyandika Morendat Institute of Oil and Gas (MIOG)


This study examined the influence of adaptive leadership on crisis preparedness in Kenyan public universities, with business continuity practices as a moderating variable. The research addresses a critical gap in understanding how leadership approaches and organizational practices contribute to institutional resilience in the face of crises. The theoretical framework was grounded in High Reliability Organization Theory. The study employed a positivist philosophy and a survey research design, targeting all 35 public universities in Kenya as the unity of analysis. The study applied purposive sampling and selected six key participants from each university for the survey. The study achieved a response rate of 92% with the return of 193 questionnaires from 210 target respondents. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The study finding was that business continuity practices have significant moderating effect on the relationship between adaptive leadership and crisis preparedness by public universities in Kenya. The study concluded that the conceptual model of adaptive leadership as an independent variable and business continuity practices as a moderating variable and crisis preparedness as a dependent variable provides an integrated framework for enhancement of crisis preparedness in public universities in Kenya. The study recommends that University Management should invest in developing and implementing comprehensive business continuity practices. It is recommended that policy makers should allocate adequate resources for embedding crisis preparedness systems and processes including the continual implementation of business continuity practices in public universities. These practices should be integrated into the institution's strategic plans and regularly updated to reflect evolving risks and operational challenges. The deployment of appropriated technology is also important in embedding the crisis preparedness systems and processes in the organization and should be prioritized by practitioners and policy makers.

Keywords: Adaptive Leadership, Crisis Preparedness & Public Universities in Kenya

Author Biography

Dr. Disterius Ondieki Nyandika, Morendat Institute of Oil and Gas (MIOG)

Consultant (Risk Management)


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