Office Furniture, Spatial Arrangement, Lighting, Office Equipment, Ergonomics, Employee Performance, State Corporation and Kenya Bureau of StandardsAbstract
Purpose of the study: This study sought to establish the extent to which ergonomics influence the performance in State Corporations a case study of Kenya Bureau of Standards. This research was to specifically seek to evaluate how office furniture, spatial arrangement, lighting and office equipment affects performance of employees at KEBS.
Methodology: The study used a descriptive research design to give the actual picture of how things look presently. The study target population was 400 employees of Kenya Bureau of Standards headquarters, with the help of statistical package of social sciences, the data was analyzed. Furthermore, the study used both correlation and linear regression analyses to test for the relationship between independent and dependent variables.
Results: The study established that office furniture affects employee performance to a great extent and the study findings shows that office furniture is significant determinant of employee performance and office furniture contributes significantly to employee performance. The findings revealed that spatial arrangement affects employee performance to a moderate extent. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between spatial arrangement and employee performance; the study also established that office lighting affects employee performance to a great extent and also findings reveals that office equipment affects employee performance at KEBs to a great extent.
Conclusions and recommendations: The study concludes that type of furniture provided by an organization affects the employee performance and there is a significant relationship between office layout and performance of employees. It also follows that employee comfortability leads to increased performance, the study also concluded that there is a strong positive correlation between office lighting and employee performance and finally office equipment is a significant determinant in employee performance. The research recommends to the KEBS Management and Board of directors to consider providing proper office furniture and equipment to employees that will not only assist employees to carry their task more conveniently but will also improve employee performance. Allowing the staff to have their own work station equipped with all the office essentials can make them feel more comfortable. A desk with storage cabinets can help in organizing stationeries and documents. An ergonomic chair will perfectly fit the body of its user preventing employees from absenteeism due to work related body pains caused by poor posture.
Keywords: Office Furniture, Spatial Arrangement, Lighting, Office Equipment, Ergonomics, Employee Performance, State Corporation and Kenya Bureau of Standards
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