
  • Dr. Antony Odek St. Paul’s University
  • Solomon Koyi Mount Kenya University
  • Protus Ewesit Akujah St. Paul’s University
  • Leonard Mana Kenyatta University


Background: The discovery and subsequent exploration of oil in Turkana was met with high stakeholders ‘expectations. However, since its first exploration in 2012, there has been a long six-year journey towards a proper legislative framework punctuated with extreme views and positions between the stakeholders over how the issues ranging from revenue sharing, community benefit, among others, should be addressed. It is on this basis that the study examined the legislative framework of oil exploration within this context to find out whether it has succeeded in managing stakeholder expectations, specifically those who reside where the research is taking place, namely, the Turkana.

Methodology: The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data were collected from a total of 21 respondents, including the adjacent community residing near the oil company, and the local administration. The study also involved a systematic literature review.

Results and Findings: The results of the research showed stakeholders’ expectations of oil drilling in their area have not been fully met since 2012. In addition, the results revealed that adequate community engagement by the company was not conducted according to international best practices, and this has been expressed through protests against the company.

Conclusion: The study concluded that a successful outcome of Tullow Oil Company rests upon consistent and frequent management of the stakeholders ‘expectations. This calls for a not only well grounded legal mechanism in place, but also thorough and exhaustive consultation with the stakeholders in the area. The study recommends the need to address the issues raised by stakeholders at the both county and national levels in conjunction with the community and non-state actors.

Keywords: Stakeholders, expectations, Tullow Oil Company

Author Biographies

Dr. Antony Odek, St. Paul’s University

St. Paul’s University-Limuru, Kenya

Solomon Koyi, Mount Kenya University

Mount Kenya University

Protus Ewesit Akujah, St. Paul’s University

St. Paul’s University

Leonard Mana, Kenyatta University

Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Odek, D. A., Koyi, S., Ewesit Akujah, P. ., & Mana, L. . (2019). MANAGING STAKEHOLDERS’ EXPECTATIONS: A CASE OF OIL EXPLORATION IN TURKANA COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(12), 1–16. Retrieved from




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