Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of organizational adhocracy culture on change management in social enterprises in Kenya.
Problem Statement: Companies that use the dynamic change management method improve their ability to adapt, generate new ideas, and achieve success in the rapidly changing business landscape (Mizrak, 2024). Given the importance of employees, the human factor takes precedence in all decisions, as change can only occur with their cooperation. Adjustments play an important part in defining firm competitiveness in the modern economic environment; however, many firms struggle to properly manage innovations, ensure long-term development, and motivate employees to accept change.
Methodology: Using a descriptive design, the study targeted all 129 employees of Kidogo Early Years Company Limited, from top management to departmental level. Data collection involved questionnaire surveys for primary data. Analysis of quantitative data was by Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 29.
Result: The findings revealed that organizational adhocracy culture exhibited a positive and significant influence on change management (β = 0.420, p = 0.001 < 0.05). The t-statistic of 3.456 is above the critical value, emphasizing its high significance.
Conclusion: The study concludes adhocracy culture stands out as the most influential in facilitating change management. A culture that prioritizes flexibility, innovation, and risk-taking equips organizations to respond proactively to change, fostering creativity and adaptability in the face of dynamic challenges.
Recommendation: The study recommends that organizations should prioritize policies and practices that support innovation, flexibility, and risk-taking.
Keywords: Organizational Adhocracy Culture, Change Management, Social Enterprises, Innovation Culture, Kenya
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