
  • Bakari J.R. Tabwara Kenya School of Government
  • Rachel Ngesa Maina Kenya School of Government


Purpose of the study: Education is regarded as the universal way of uplifting the standards of living for many people in a country. The government can use the findings of the study to formulate policies that can improve the transition rate. In addition, the government can use the findings to address school environment factors that can aid in improving the transition. Moreover, the study will help the donors to understand the problems that affect the pupils and the community thus can diversify their education support

Problem statement: Despite education being compulsory in many countries, a major impediment to education progress is the transition from primary level to secondary. Low transition rate from primary school to secondary school means that shortage of quality labor will be experienced in some days. The study sought to establish the parental factors influencing low transition rate from primary to secondary schools in Matuga Sub-County, Kenya

Method/methodology: Descriptive survey design was employed in the study. The population for the study comprised head teachers and parents of 89 primary schools in Matuga Sub-County Kenya. Questionnaires were used as data collection instruments. Stratified, purposive and convenient sampling method was used to obtain the sample size for the study. Consequently the sample size for the study was 178 respondents. Content analysis was performed on the qualitative data obtained. Descriptive statistics was used analyze the quantitative data

Results of the study: The study found out that parental literacy level, parental income level and family background influence transition. Levies charged by the school, number of meals taken by students were found to influence transition rate but to a very low extent. Majority of the families live below the poverty line and spend most of their income on basic needs such as food and clothing and therefore, affording to meet the cost of education has become a challenge.

Conclusion and policy recommendation: The study concluded that parental level of income, parental literacy level and family background influence low transition rate in Matuga sub-county. It recommended that further studies be done to establish the where about of those who don’t transit to secondary schools and replica studies in the other sub-counties of Kwale County and to the other counties as well. The national government in collaboration with the county government of to come up with programs aimed at reducing poverty levels within the sub-county so to promote a smooth transition from primary to secondary. 

Keywords: Parental literacy level, Parental income level, family background, transition rates, Matuga Sub county & Kenya

Author Biographies

Bakari J.R. Tabwara , Kenya School of Government

Post Graduate Student, Kenya School of Government

Rachel Ngesa Maina, Kenya School of Government

Lecturer, Kenya School of Government, Kenya


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How to Cite

Tabwara , B. J. ., & Maina, R. N. . (2019). PARENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING TRANSITION RATES FROM PRIMARY TO SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MATUGA SUB-COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(2), 1–19. Retrieved from


