
  • Gilbert Sabri Soita Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Laura G. Munene Kenyatta University


Purpose: This research sought to delve into the influence of strategic public-private partnerships on the success of selected state-owned enterprises in Kenya. The study's specific objectives included examining the effects of supply chain, integration, financial, and marketing partnerships on the achievement of these corporations.

Methodology: The study used a descriptive design, focusing on three Kenyan State Corporations and targeting 1,228 managers, with data collected via structured questionnaires. Analysis through SPSS v26.0 involved descriptive and inferential analytics to examine variable relationships.

Results: The findings reveal that all the strategic partnerships significantly impact the achievement of State-Owned Corporations (SOCs) in Kenya. Specifically, strategic supply chain partnerships (β = 0.227, p < 0.001), strategic integration partnerships (β = 0.229, p < 0.001), strategic financial partnerships (β = 0.384, p < 0.001), and strategic marketing partnerships (β = 0.32, p < 0.001) each have a positive and statistically significant effect on SOC performance.

Conclusion: Strategic partnerships are vital for SOC success, significantly enhancing performance, competitiveness, and growth across supply chain, integration, financial, and marketing domains.

Recommendation: SOCs should strengthen strategic partnerships by focusing on joint planning, transparent financial practices, regular evaluations, and staff training to maximize performance and competitive advantage.

Keywords: Public-Private Partnerships, State-Owned Corporations, Strategic Partnerships, Operational Efficiency, Kenya

Author Biographies

Gilbert Sabri Soita, Kenyatta University

Masters Degree in Business Administration, Kenyatta University

Dr. Laura G. Munene, Kenyatta University

School of Business, Economics &Tourism, Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Soita, G. S. . ., & Munene, L. G. . (2024). STRATEGIC PUBLIC–PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS AND ACHIEVEMENT OF SELECTED STATE-OWNED CORPORATIONS IN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(18), 50–69. Retrieved from


