
  • Eddah Chebet St. Paul’s University
  • Mary Karei Kibuine St. Paul’s University
  • Elijah Kariuki St. Paul’s University


Statement of the Problem: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) provides specialized training in technical and skilled trades, enhancing a country’s productivity, competitiveness, and economic growth. However, there is limited research on how needs identification influences the organizational performance of public TVET institutions, especially in the South Rift Region. Addressing this gap is essential for optimizing the effectiveness of these institutions in fulfilling their mandates.

Purpose of the Study: This study aimed to examine the influence of needs identification on the organizational performance of public TVET institutions in the South Rift Region.

Research Design: The study was guided by stakeholder theory and employed a descriptive research design. The target population included principals, procurement staff, and department heads in public TVET institutions within the South Rift Region. A census survey approach was adopted, and data was collected using structured questionnaires.

Findings: The study found that needs identification has a positive and statistically significant effect on the organizational performance of public TVET institutions in the South Rift Region.

Conclusion: The study concluded that effective needs identification is essential for enhancing the performance of public TVET institutions in the South Rift Region.

Recommendations: The study recommended that TVET institutions improve their needs identification processes by collaborating closely with industry partners, implementing feedback mechanisms, and integrating labor market data to better align training with industry demands.

Keywords: Needs Identification, Organizational Performance, Public TVET Institutions, Stakeholder Theory, South Rift Region

Author Biographies

Eddah Chebet, St. Paul’s University

Student, St. Paul’s University

Mary Karei Kibuine , St. Paul’s University

Lecturer, St. Paul’s University

Elijah Kariuki, St. Paul’s University

Lecturer, St. Paul’s University


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How to Cite

Chebet, E., Kibuine , M. K., & Kariuki, E. . (2024). INFLUENCE OF NEEDS IDENTIFICATION ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC TVET INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTH RIFT REGION. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(19), 15–27. Retrieved from


