
  • Hellen Mukami Munyi Management University of Africa
  • Gladys Nafula Mabonga The Management University of Africa


Statement of the Problem: Healthcare professionals in Kenya face high levels of work-related stress, burnout, and depression, negatively impacting their productivity and the quality of patient care. Despite existing well-being programs, limited research explores their effectiveness in supporting mental health within this sector.

Purpose of the Study: This study aimed to assess the impact of mental health factors—work-related stress, burnout, and depression—on employee productivity and to evaluate the role of well-being programs in mitigating these challenges at Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.

Research Methodology: A cross-sectional, mixed-methods approach was used, combining quantitative data from 336 healthcare workers and qualitative insights from 15 leaders. Stratified sampling selected healthcare staff, while purposive sampling identified leaders for interviews. Data were analyzed with SPSS for quantitative insights and thematic analysis for qualitative responses.

Findings and Conclusion: Results showed that 75% of participants reported moderate stress due to factors like long hours, with 48% experiencing burnout and 53% showing depressive symptoms, all negatively affecting job performance. Well-being programs, including counseling and stress management, improved performance by 66% among participants, underscoring the need for accessible and comprehensive support to address mental health issues in healthcare.

Recommendations: Healthcare institutions should implement regular mental health assessments, enhance well-being programs, and address workload and staffing challenges to foster a supportive work environment that promotes employee well-being and performance.

Keywords: Mental Health, Employee Performance, Kenyan Private Hospitals, Aga Khan University Hospital

Author Biographies

Hellen Mukami Munyi , Management University of Africa

Student, School of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa

Gladys Nafula Mabonga, The Management University of Africa

Lecturer, School of Management and Leadership, Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Munyi , H. M., & Mabonga, G. N. (2024). MENTAL HEALTH AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN KENYAN PRIVATE HOSPITALS. A CASE STUDY OF AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(19), 28–45. Retrieved from


