
  • Kenneth Njenga Mungai St. Paul’s University
  • Dr. Emilio Kariuki St. Paul’s University
  • Grace Kinyanjui St. Paul’s University


Purpose of the Study:  The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of leadership styles on job satisfaction of selected star-rated hotels in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya.

Statement of the Problem: The hospitality industry in Kenya operates in a volatile environment characterised by poor pay, long working hours, and work-related stress leading to cases of absenteeism, substance abuse, and high labour turnover due to low employee job satisfaction.  This results in poor employee productivity which in turn affects the hotel’s profitability.  This calls for the application of appropriate leadership styles in the management of employees to increase job satisfaction.

Methodology: The research study was grounded in Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, Path-Goal Theory, Transformational Leadership Theory, and Transactional Leadership Theory. It employed an explanatory research design and was conducted with a sample size of 49 supervisory-level and 248 junior-level employees, drawn from 3- to 5-star-rated hotels in Naivasha sub-county. Participants were selected using a stratified random sampling technique, and data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire.

Results of the Study:  According to the study findings transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, and autocratic leadership style were found to have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction in selected star-rated hotels in Naivasha sub-county.  Democratic leadership style on the other hand had no significant effect on job satisfaction. 

Conclusions: The study concludes that transformational and transactional leadership styles have a significant positive impact on job satisfaction among employees in Naivasha’s star-rated hotels. Conversely, democratic leadership had no significant effect, while autocratic leadership showed a weak but positive association with job satisfaction in certain contexts.

Recommendations: It is recommended that hospitality managers in Naivasha prioritize transformational and transactional leadership styles to enhance employee job satisfaction and organizational performance. Additionally, managers should consider the situational use of autocratic leadership, applying it selectively in scenarios where structured guidance is necessary to maintain workplace productivity.

Keywords: Leadership Styles. Job Satisfaction, Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Democratic Leadership, Autocratic Leadership

Author Biographies

Kenneth Njenga Mungai, St. Paul’s University

Student, St. Paul’s University

Dr. Emilio Kariuki, St. Paul’s University

Lecturer, St. Paul’s University

Grace Kinyanjui, St. Paul’s University

Lecturer, St. Paul’s University


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How to Cite

Mungai, K. N. ., Kariuki, E., & Kinyanjui, G. . (2024). LEADERSHIP STYLES AND JOB SATISFACTION OF SELECTED STAR-RATED HOTELS IN NAIVASHA SUB-COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(19), 103–124. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/715


