
  • Mary Mwangi Mount Kenya University, Kenya
  • Isaac Abuga Mount Kenya University, Kenya


Purpose of Study: The purpose of the study was to examine the public policy implementation on the performance of healthcare devolution in Homa Bay County, Kenya with specific objectives to assess the effect of bureaucratic practices, citizen engagement approaches, health care infrastructure and funding and expenditure on the performance of healthcare devolution in Homa Bay County, Kenya.

Problem Statement: Despite ongoing efforts by the government and non-governmental organizations, Kenya's health infrastructure remains underdeveloped, prompting economists and public policy experts to explore ways to improve service delivery and enhance the quality of life. Devolution has emerged as a key strategy for achieving these goals, directly influencing people's quality of life and extending its effects beyond mere service provision. However, county governments often prioritize economic efficiency over effective service delivery.

Methodology: The research targeted public health professionals, including nurses and administrators from county and sub-county hospitals across nine constituencies. The researcher Employed descriptive survey design, the study used both qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data from 162 respondents, including hospital managers, clinical officers, nurses, and health record officers. The analysis involved descriptive statistics, such as frequencies and percentages, alongside inferential statistics, including Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis.

Result: Findings indicate relationships among healthcare devolution, citizen engagement, bureaucratic practices, funding, and infrastructure. Notably, a moderate positive correlation exists between healthcare devolution and citizen engagement (r = .504, p = .000), suggested that increased devolution fosters community involvement. Additionally, significant correlations between funding and health infrastructure (r = .420, p = 0.000) highlight the importance of adequate financial resources for quality service delivery.

Recommendation: Streamlining bureaucratic processes, enhancing citizen engagement, improving financial oversight, and investing in healthcare infrastructure to ensure responsive and effective service delivery in Homa Bay County.

Keywords: Policy Implementation, Devolution, Bureaucratic Practices, Healthcare Infrastructure and Citizen Engagement Approaches                

Author Biographies

Mary Mwangi , Mount Kenya University, Kenya

Student, School of Business and Economics

Isaac Abuga, Mount Kenya University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Business and Economics


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How to Cite

Mwangi, M. ., & Abuga, I. (2024). ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC POLICY IMPLEMENTATION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF HEALTHCARE DEVOLUTION IN HOMA BAY COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(20), 84–95. Retrieved from


