
  • Leonard Njung’e Kimani Open University of Tanzania
  • Felician Mutasa Open University of Tanzania
  • Gabriel N Kirori The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of Study: This study investigates the influence of total public expenditures on the quality of life (QoL) of people in Kenya over a period of 15 years, 2008-2022. The period marks the larger part of the ongoing Kenya Vision 2030.

Methodology: The study uses human development index as the metric for QoL, secondary data sources, and the autoregressive distributed lag model in the analysis to test the null hypotheses that total public expenditures are not statistically important in influencing QoL in Kenya.

Results: The results indicate that there is not enough evidence against the null hypothesis, contrary to popular expectations. One possible explanation for this outcome is attribution arising from the likelihood of unbalanced economic growth process in Kenya over time.

Keywords: Quality of life, total public expenditures, autoregressive distributed lag model, unbalanced economic growth, Kenya Vision 2030.

Author Biography

Leonard Njung’e Kimani , Open University of Tanzania

Candidate, PhD Economics


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How to Cite

Kimani, L. N., Mutasa, F. ., & Kirori, G. N. . (2024). TOTAL PUBLIC EXPENDITURES AND QUALITY OF LIFE: CASE FOR KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(22), 1–10. Retrieved from


