
  • Musyoka Collins Kirinyaga University, Kenya
  • Wanjohi Peter Kirinyaga University, Kenya


Purpose: This study investigated the determinants influencing effective logistics coordination in humanitarian efforts within Kenya's Northern Eastern Region. It focused on understanding how organizational competent skills, transport infrastructure, and information sharing impact crisis response efficiency in this challenging context.

Design/methodology/approach: The research employed a descriptive design, targeting 33 logistic coordinators from 13 humanitarian organizations. Through purposive sampling, 28 coordinators were selected. Data collection used structured questionnaires, with analysis performed using SPSS software (version 24).

Findings: The study revealed significant positive correlations between organizational competent skills, transport infrastructure, information sharing, and effective logistics coordination. Organizational competent skills showed the strongest correlation, followed by transport infrastructure and information sharing. Issues with decision-making processes and communication channels were also identified.

Conclusion: Stakeholder engagement plays a vital role in successful implementation of logistics coordination in humanitarian efforts. The study emphasized the interdependence of organizational competency, transport infrastructure, and information sharing in achieving effective coordination, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach to enhance crisis response efforts.

Recommendations: The study suggests actively involving skilled personnel in decision-making, enhancing communication channels, prioritizing investment in transportation infrastructure, and fostering collaboration among humanitarian organizations. These recommendations aim to improve the overall effectiveness of humanitarian logistics coordination in the Northern Eastern Region of Kenya.

Keywords: Logistics Management, Agility, Performance, Humanitarian Firms, Northeastern Kenya

Author Biographies

Musyoka Collins , Kirinyaga University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kirinyaga University, Kenya

Wanjohi Peter, Kirinyaga University, Kenya

Lecturer, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kirinyaga University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Musyoka, C. ., & Wanjohi , P. (2024). AGILE LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT AND THE PERFORMANCE OF HUMANITARIAN FIRMS IN NORTHEASTERN KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(22), 40–52. Retrieved from


