
  • Dr. Fauziya Brek Karama Islamic University of Kenya


The broad objective of the study was to analyze the impact of governance quality on poverty alleviation in Kenya. The study was informed by Endogenous Growth Theory and the New Growth Theory. The study employed longitudinal research design and made use of time-series data to analyze four indicators which will cover a 25-year period that is from 1996 to 2021.  The data on the poverty reduction and governance was sourced from the World Bank official website. The findings indicated that a positive and significant impact of government effectiveness and corruption control on poverty reduction in Kenya. However, voice and accountability had negative and significant impact on poverty reduction in Kenya, while political stability had negative and statistically insignificant impact on poverty reduction in Kenya. Thus, the study concludes that government effectiveness and corruption control are key in fostering poverty reduction. However, voice and accountability had detrimental effect on poverty reduction in Kenya. Therefore, the study recommends that Kenyan policymakers to prioritize and invest in enhancing government effectiveness as a pivotal strategy for fostering poverty reduction. They should prioritize and strengthen initiatives aimed at curbing corruption, fostering transparency, and ensuring a predictable business environment. Policymakers should carefully navigate the challenges associated with accountability measures, recognizing potential short-term costs and addressing cultural and institutional barriers. Strategies to mitigate policy gridlock, foster stakeholder engagement, and ensure a smooth transition are crucial.

Keywords: Governance, Government Effectiveness, Voice and Accountability, Political Stability, Corruption Control, Poverty Reduction.

Author Biography

Dr. Fauziya Brek Karama, Islamic University of Kenya

Head of Department School of Business and Economics, Islamic University of Kenya.

Economic Advisor, Mombasa County Governmen, Kenya


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How to Cite

Karama, F. B. . (2024). ANALYZING THE IMPACT OF GOVERNANCE QUALITY ON POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN KENYA: A QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 6(22), 84–102. Retrieved from


