
  • Ocii Santo Uganda Christian University
  • Dr. Eduan Wilson Uganda Christian University
  • Dr.Stella Amero Eduan Gulu University


Purpose of the Study: To examine how secondary school educators managed student discipline in the post-corporal punishment era in Uganda.

Statement of the Problem: The persistence of learner injuries and challenges in discipline management in Ugandan schools underscores the need for alternative approaches post-corporal punishment abolition.

Methodology: The study employed a qualitative case study design, purposively selecting 16 respondents, including 12 teachers and 4 head teachers from four schools. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions and analyzed thematically.

Findings: The study found that discipline is managed as a system through procedures like implementing a discipline code, consultation, counseling, effective communication, and creating a safe school environment. These practices aim to address inappropriate behaviors constructively.

Recommendations: The study recommends empathetic discipline management and training educators in alternative approaches like guidance and counseling.

Keywords: management, discipline, corporal punishment, era, secondary school.


Author Biographies

Ocii Santo, Uganda Christian University

School of Education, Uganda Christian University, Mukono, Kampala-Uganda

Dr. Eduan Wilson, Uganda Christian University

School of post Graduate Studies, Uganda Christian University, Mukono. Kampala-Uganda

Dr.Stella Amero Eduan, Gulu University

Dean of Students, Gulu University,Laroo street, Gulu Municipality, Kampala-Uganda


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How to Cite

Santo, O. ., Wilson, E. ., & Eduan, S. A. . (2025). MANAGEMENT OF STUDENTS’ DISCIPLINE IN THE POST CORPORAL PUNISHMENT ERA IN UGANDA SECONDARY SCHOOLS - NORTHERN REGION. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 7(1), 53–73. Retrieved from


