
  • Nampala, M. P. Bugema University
  • Mugula, B. B. Bugema University
  • Egeru, A. Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture


Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to provide a systematic review analyzing the relationship between climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) and Science, Technology, and Innovation (ST&I) to enhance food and nutrition security in Uganda.

Problem Statement: Extreme weather and climate variability events are apparent in Uganda and indeed the Great Lakes region of Eastern Africa. The study recognised profound challenges that climate change presents to global food security and nutrition and emphasizing the need for climate-resilient agriculture driven by science, technology and innovation solutions.

Methodology: A systematic review approach was used to explore how science, technology and innovation (ST&I) and climate resilient agriculture (CRA) contribute to food and nutrition security. This methodology involved collection and synthesis of relevant evidence to address the study objectives based on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) approach.

Results of the Study: The study found that science, technology, and innovation (ST&I) catalyze the transformation of agrifood systems, enabling improved food security and nutrition. The ST&I drives advancements in agricultural design, production techniques, recycling practices, and institutional frameworks, which enables the transition toward more resilient, efficient, and sustainable food systems where farmers are able to adapt to shifting climate patterns, securing long-term food availability. Technological innovations, including digital solutions, were recognised as key to enhancing food productivity, quality, diversity, and environmental sustainability when adopted by farmers. Other recognised benefits from the ST&I - driven climate-resilient agriculture solutions include; enhanced food security and nutrition through stabilizing yields, improving crop diversity and quality, improving crop resistance to adverse climatic conditions, reducing vulnerability to shocks, minimizing environmental impact, and strengthening livelihoods.

Conclusion: The study concludes that Uganda faces a critical gap in the documentation and evaluation of its diverse climate-resilient agricultural (CRA) innovations, despite Africa's abundance of such technologies. This lack of systematic knowledge hinders the effective deployment of CRA solutions tailored to local needs. Addressing food security and nutrition challenges requires leveraging science, technology, and innovation (ST&I)-driven mechanisms to integrate advanced research, innovative technologies, and context-specific practices. Farming is a knowledge drive enterprise and strengthening the capacities of smallholder farmers, who are central to Uganda’s agriculture, is a priority. This entails targeted investments in training, infrastructure, and advisory services while addressing systemic institutional and policy barriers. Operationalizing the synergy between CRA and ST&I is essential for building sustainable food systems that enhance resilience to climate change, ensure food security, and promote improved nutrition in Uganda and elsewhere.

Recommendations: The study recommends boosting public investment in research and advisory services tailored to smallholder farmers’ needs, alongside strengthening institutional frameworks through robust policies that address critical questions in the nexus between ST&I driven solutions for climate resilient agriculture, food security and nutrition. Prioritizing capacity-building initiatives and infrastructure development, such as irrigation, agroprocessing and storage systems, is essential for accelerating the adoption of CRA technologies hence strengthening food security and nutrition. To address the scarcity of peer-reviewed literature in Uganda, efforts should focus on generating research publications on CRA and ST&I nexus for food security and nutrition, effectiveness of CRA technologies, adaptation-community engagement strategies, building partnerships, and promoting participatory decision-making to enhance adoption of agricultural – climate innovations.

Keywords: Agrifood systems, climate-resilient technologies, food productivity, sustainable development, technological innovations, Uganda

Author Biographies

Nampala, M. P., Bugema University

School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, Bugema University, P.O. Box 6529, Kampala, Uganda

Mugula, B. B., Bugema University

School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, Bugema University, P.O. Box 6529, Kampala, Uganda

Egeru, A., Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), P.O Box 16811, Kampala, Uganda


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