
  • Mwagandi Mwakio University of Nairobi
  • Bitange Ndemo University of Nairobi
  • Awino Zachary Bolo University of Nairobi
  • Muya Ndambuki University of Nairobi


Purpose of the study: This study sought to establish the joint effect of entrepreneurial orientation and organizational size on the relationship between entrepreneurial training and organizational performance of youth group enterprises.

Short introduction of problem statement: Governments are usually involved in the creation of employment opportunities for their youth. In this regard, the Government of Kenya has created and made the Youth Enterprise Development Fund a strategic project under the social pillar of the vision 2030. This fund provides finances and entrepreneurship training to youth and disadvantaged groups to enable them to start and run their enterprises. It was hoped that this move would create employment opportunities for the youth. However, the youth still decry low numbers of employment opportunities. Training in entrepreneurship is expected to build the capacities of its subjects to output successful business ventures. The effectiveness of entrepreneurship training depends on amongst other things, the size of the enterprises and entrepreneurial orientation of the entrepreneurs

Method/methodology: A cross-sectional survey design was employed. Out of the 156 youth group enterprises that were targeted for data collection, 97 responded positively, representing a success rate of 62 percent. Questionnaires, that were personally administered by the researcher and research assistants, were used to collect the data. The questions were closed and focused on the variables of the study.

Results of the study:  Descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analyses were then performed on the data. The study established that entrepreneurial orientation and organizational size have a significant joint effect on the relationship between entrepreneurship training and organizational size. When all the four variables were at play, only the coefficient of organisational size was found to be significant. Size was also reported to moderate the relationship between training in entrepreneurship and the performance of youth group enterprises that are government-funded.

Conclusion and policy recommendation: Policymakers need to incorporate guidelines that encourage the appreciation of large size for youth group enterprises, for instance, amalgamations of smaller ones through cooperatives. Suggestions for further research include using the longitudinal research design and adding other variables into the equation.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship Training, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organization Size, Organizational Performance

Author Biographies

Mwagandi Mwakio, University of Nairobi

Faculty of Business and Management, University of Nairobi,

P.O Box 30197, 00100 Nairobi


Bitange Ndemo, University of Nairobi

Faculty of Business and Management, University of Nairobi


Awino Zachary Bolo, University of Nairobi

Faculty of Business and Management, University of Nairobi

Muya Ndambuki, University of Nairobi

Faculty of Business and Management, University of Nairobi


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