
  • Lucy Wahito Kahindo St. Paul's University
  • Ndungu Ikenye St. Paul’s University
  • Reuben Gathii St. Paul’s University


Statement of the Problem: There is a rising concern of juvenile crime in Kenya, with significant impacts on security management and societal development.

Purpose of the Study: This study examined the effects of juvenile crime mitigation measures on security management in Kamiti, Nairobi County.

Research Methodology: The study employed a descriptive survey research design, guided by strain theory and sub-cultural theory. From a target population of 293 children, 169 respondents were selected through simple random sampling. Data collection utilized questionnaires and interview guides, with a preliminary study conducted at Kisumu juvenile detention center. The analysis combined quantitative methods (descriptive and inferential statistics) and qualitative thematic analysis of interview responses.

Results: The study revealed significant positive effects of three factors on security management:

Psychosocial support (β = 0.444, p = 0.000), Supportive activities (β = 0.284, p = 0.000), Training (β = 0.162, p = 0.001) and Education showed a positive but insignificant influence (β = 0.040, p = 0.465).

Conclusion: Remand homes effectively promote a sense of belonging and safety for juveniles through comprehensive programming, including academic, vocational, and life skills training. The combination of sports activities, emotional support, and officer guidance creates a positive environment that fosters hope and rehabilitation.

Recommendations: Remand homes should strengthen their psychosocial support systems for juvenile rehabilitation. Facilities should enhance their educational and vocational training programs. The Kenyan government should increase support to remand homes to help achieve these objectives.

Keywords: Juvenile Crime, Mitigation Measures, Security Management, Kamiti, Maximum Prison

Author Biographies

Lucy Wahito Kahindo , St. Paul's University

Student, Counseling Psychology and Practical Theology of St. Paul's University, Limuru

Ndungu Ikenye , St. Paul’s University

Lecturer, Department of Counselling Psychology, St. Paul’s University

Reuben Gathii , St. Paul’s University

Lecturer, Department of Counselling Psychology, St. Paul’s University


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How to Cite

Kahindo , L. W., Ikenye , N. ., & Gathii , R. (2025). JUVENILE CRIME MITIGATION MEASURES AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT IN KAMITI MAXIMUM PRISON. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 7(3), 55–70. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/769


