
  • Angeline Wangui Kinyanjui Kenyatta University
  • Rahab M. Mugambi Kenyatta University
  • Shem Wambugu Maingi Kenyatta University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of business continuity planning on business resilience in three to five star hotels in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The hospitality industry has contributed to economic growth and poverty reduction in Kenya. In the recent past, the industry has been hard hit by various crises, such as pandemics (covid-19) and acts of terrorism, a constant threat to the industry as evidenced by a downward trend of the Key Performance Indicators. There have been uncoordinated crisis management efforts to mitigate the negative trends. This study sought to investigate the influence of business continuity planning on business resilience in three-to-five-star hotels in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Descriptive survey research design was used with the employment of both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. The questionnaire and interview schedule were used astools for data collection from the target population which was general managers and senior departmental managers in the hotels. Seventy-one departmental managers selected using simple random stratified sampling filled in the self-administered questionnaires, while five general managers purposively selected were interviewed as key informants. Descriptive and inferential statistics including frequencies, percentages, means, and correlations, linear and moderated regressions were computed. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis. There was a strong, positive and significant correlation between business continuity planning and business resilience (p<0.05);for three-star, four-star and five-star hotels (r=.587); (r=.593,); (r=.616) respectively.he effects level of business continuity planning on hotel business resilience on 3-star, 4-star and 5-star rated hotels was as captured in the R-square values (R2=0.344, R2=0.352, and R2=0.380) respectively. The study consequently recommended that the hotels continue embracing business continuity as one of the crisis management approaches and adopt strategic crisis management planning in order to mitigate challenges and exploit opportunities for enhanced business resilience and business continuity during crises.

Keywords: Business Continuity Planning, Business Resilience, Hospitality Industry, Three to Five-Star Hotels, Nairobi City County

Author Biographies

Angeline Wangui Kinyanjui, Kenyatta University

BSc. Hotel and Institution Management

Rahab M. Mugambi, Kenyatta University

Hospitality & Tourism Management Department

Shem Wambugu Maingi, Kenyatta University

Hospitality & Tourism Management Department


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How to Cite

Kinyanjui, A. W., Mugambi, R. M., & Maingi, S. W. (2025). BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING AND BUSINESS RESILIENCE IN THREE TO FIVE STAR HOTELS IN NAIROBI CITY COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 7(3), 82–104. Retrieved from


