
  • Patience Abifoluwa Adebiyi Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin


Purpose of the Study: The main objective of this research was to establish the influence of Teachers' Pedagogical Skills on Students' Performance in Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Nigeria. Teachers are the single essential source for establishing pupils' mathematical identities. By addressing the varying demands that stem from residence settings, languages, abilities, and also perspectives, teachers allow trainees to develop a positive attitude to math.

Statement of the Problem: A favorable attitude increases comfort degrees and gives students better self-confidence in their capacity to discover and to understand math. Programs in education and learning create qualified teachers of math for senior colleges in Nigeria. However, the basic performance in mathematics amongst pupils in senior institutions in Nigeria has been poor for many years. Since instructors have actually been properly trained to manage trainees' understanding problems, whenever there is unacceptable performance, they are the immediate persons to be slammed. Learning preparations determines the recognition of lessons objectives to be accomplished as well as organization of tasks to be carried out. In addition, it allows for recognition of the examination procedures to be applied during and after the lesson. It is the obligation of the teacher to create an environment where mathematical as well as the abovementioned is accomplished with the relentless reduced efficiency in mathematic as earlier stated, the educators' input right into mentor of mathematics comes to be presumed. Also institutions with experienced as well as long-serving teachers additionally reveal low efficiency fads.

Research Methodology: The study was a literature based and the target population was all high schools in Enugu Estate, Nigeria.

Result: The findings suggested that when making sense of ideas, students need chances to work both separately and collaboratively. Sometimes they require to be able to believe and also work silently, far from the demands of the whole class.

Conclusion: It was concluded that, to understand a new idea or ability students need to be able to connect it to their existing mathematical understandings, in different of ways. Tasks that call for trainees to make several connections within and across subjects help them appreciate the interconnectedness of different mathematical ideas and the relationships that exist in between math and real life.

Recommendation: The study recommended that, the teacher needs to make educational reasoning, react to learning questions and also take care of the knowing setting.

Key Word: Pedagogical Skills, performance, mathematics

Author Biography

Patience Abifoluwa Adebiyi, Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin

Graduate Candidate


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How to Cite

Adebiyi, P. A. (2020). TEACHERS’ PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS AND STUDENTS PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS IN SELECTED SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NIGERIA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(1), 60–70. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/79


