• Stellah Purity Ndunge Kenyatta University


Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of knowledge management on humanitarian aid response

Statement of the Problem: The problem addressed in this study is the lack of understanding and utilization of knowledge management practices in the context of humanitarian aid response. This includes challenges related to capturing, organizing, and disseminating timely and relevant information during emergencies, as well as the limited integration of lessons learned and best practices into decision-making processes. Additionally, the problem encompasses the need for effective collaboration and knowledge sharing among various stakeholders involved in humanitarian interventions to enhance overall response outcomes.

Findings: The study findings revealed a significant relationship between knowledge management and humanitarian aid response (β = 0.0351, t (158) = 2.184, p = 0.031). This suggests that knowledge management practices can have both positive and negative impacts on the effectiveness of humanitarian aid response. The study highlights the need for organizations involved in humanitarian efforts to effectively manage and utilize knowledge to ensure efficient and effective aid delivery.

Conclusion: The influence of knowledge management on humanitarian aid response is evident and crucial. The effective utilization of knowledge management practices enables aid responders to make informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently, and improve overall response outcomes. Moreover, knowledge management fosters organizational learning, facilitates adaptation based on past experiences, and promotes collaboration among stakeholders, leading to enhanced coordination and effectiveness in addressing the needs of disaster-affected communities.

Recommendations: Based on the influence of knowledge management on humanitarian aid response, it is recommended that organizations prioritize the development and implementation of comprehensive knowledge management strategies. This includes investing in robust information and communication technology infrastructure, fostering a culture of learning and knowledge sharing, and strengthening partnerships and collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Additionally, organizations should provide training and capacity building programs to enhance the knowledge management skills of aid responders, ensuring effective utilization of knowledge in humanitarian interventions.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Humanitarian Aid, Response

Author Biography

Stellah Purity Ndunge, Kenyatta University

Kenyatta University


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How to Cite
Ndunge, S. P. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ON HUMANITARIAN AID RESPONSE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 1(2), 20 - 29. Retrieved from