
  • Everlyne Cheruto Chelangat Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of value congruence on turnover intention in the banking sector in Nairobi City County Kenya. The study was informed by the Path-Goal theory.

Statement of the Problem: The banking sector in Kenya has been experiencing high labour turnover rates, where employees are quitting one bank to find greener opportunities in other banks in the country and also outside the country (brain drain), and this has been as a result of longer working hours in some banks, increased workload, poor leadership style, job insecurity, poor working environment, dissatisfaction with salaries, and also lack of work-life balance.

Research Methodology: A cross sectional survey design was used on a population comprising top-level and middle-level management which totals to 1,760 where a sample of 326 respondents, the data was collected using questionnaires and analysed using SPSS version 22 where an analysis of descriptive statistics, correlation and logistic regression analyses was done.

Result: Logistic regression of coefficients results showed that Value Congruence and Turnover Intention were negatively and significant related. This implies that an additional unit of Value Congruence decreases the probability of turnover intention by 0.968 points holding other factors constant.

Conclusion: The study concluded that Value Congruence have negative and significant effect on turnover intention.

Recommendation: The study recommends the management of the banks to lead the way in the designing, measurement and evaluation of proactive employee engagement policies and practices that help attract and retain talent with skills and competencies necessary for growth and sustainability.

Keywords: Value congruence, Turnover, Intention, Banking sector, Nairobi, Kenya.

Author Biography

Everlyne Cheruto Chelangat, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

PhD Graduate


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How to Cite

Chelangat, E. C. . (2020). EFFECT OF VALUE CONGRUENCE ON TURNOVER INTENTION IN THE BANKING SECTOR IN NAIROBI CITY COUNTY KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2(13), 35–56. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/151


