
  • John Gitumbi The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Paul Mathenge The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Anne Kiboi The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between entrepreneurial strategies and the sustainability of faith-based enterprises in the Nyeri catholic archdiocese.

Statement of the Problem: Despite the continual efforts by FBEs in Kenya to eradicate poverty, improve people’s health, protect the environment and continue with their promotion of works towards sustainable development, they're faced with myriad challenges that affect their overall sustainability approach. Very few local FBEs have strong financial, monitoring and evaluation systems. These occur as a result of the shortage of skilled personnel, poor management, over-dependence, and poor financial control practices.

Research Methodology: The study targeted all the 22 enterprises within the Archdiocese of Nyeri. The units of analysis were managers and assistant managers in those faith based enterprises, census was used to enumerate all the respondents. The questionnaire was the key data collection instrument used and therefore the data collected was analyzed using quantitative approach. The researcher employed qualitative data, descriptive and inferential statistics.

Result: The result of the study indicated that the four predictor variables (cost leadership strategy, innovation/creativity, revenue diversification and financial management practices) explained 72.5% of the variation in sustainability of faith based enterprises in Nyeri Catholic Archdiocese. The outcomes showed that cost leadership strategy, innovation, income diversification, and fiscal management performance were agreeable variables in enlightening the sustainability of faith-based enterprises in the Catholic archdiocese of Nyeri. The study recognized that there was a positive and significant relationship between; leadership in costs and sustainability (β =.252, p=0.018), creativity and sustainability (β =.163, p=0.001), revenue broadening and sustainability (β =.620 p=0.000), fiscal administration practices and sustainability of religion based businesses in the catholic archdiocese of Nyeri (β =.540 p=0.023).

Conclusion: The study concluded that the majority of the religion based enterprises in Nyeri Catholic Archdiocese have adopted entrepreneurial strategies to an excellent extent and therefore the adoption has enabled most of the enterprises to enhance on their profits, increase market share, improve on their sustainability, create more capital for business growth and reduce competition from the market place.

Recommendation: The study recommended that the faith based enterprises in Catholic Archdiocese of Nyeri should research on and implement entrepreneurial strategies that will enable them to price their products/services more competitively than rivals for them to extend their client base hence achieve sustainability.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial, Strategies, Sustainability, Faith Based, Enterprises, Catholic Archdiocese

Author Biographies

John Gitumbi, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Master’s Candidate

Paul Mathenge , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Anne Kiboi, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa



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How to Cite

Gitumbi, J. ., Mathenge , P. ., & Kiboi, A. . (2021). ENTREPRENEURIAL STRATEGIES AND SUSTAINABILITY OF FAITH BASED ENTERPRISES IN NYERI CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(1), 1–24. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/155


