
  • Keziah Mwangi The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Paul Mathenge The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Robert Gathaiya The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between employee performance factors and achievement of strategic goals in PCEA churches in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Statement of the Problem: Healthy employee performance structure in an organization is a vital part of human resource management, which helps in encouraging the employees and improving organizational effectiveness. People who work for churches do so because of a calling and deserve the same employee performance factors as someone working in any other type of organization. The reality is that faith based institutions are in competition not only with other churches but also with other nonprofit organizations and even some for-profit organizations.

Methodology: This study employed a descriptive research design whereby the relationship between employee performance factors and achievement of strategic goals in PCEA churches in Nairobi, Kenya were investigated. The study targeted all the forty-six (46) parishes spread across all the five (5) presbyteries in Nairobi County, in which 1724 members comprising of 690 managers and 1034 parish session members were involved. Stratified random sampling together with Krejicie & Morgan formula was used to select 314 respondents.

Result: The study established that; the church management had not given priority to work safety, the church had not put adequate resources in staff training, the supervisors observed high levels of work ethics and moral conduct in the execution of duties. In addition, regression analysis results revealed a coefficient of determination of 0.629 implying that the independent variables jointly explained 62.9% of the variation in the achievement of strategic goals in Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA). The results also revealed that working condition had a positive and significant effect on the achievement of strategic goals (β =.184, p=0.020<.05); employee remuneration had a positive and significant effect on the achievement of strategic goals (β =.470, p=0.007<.05); alternative dispute resolutions had a positive and significant effect on the achievement of strategic goals (β =.442, p=0.000<.05) and that career development had a positive and significant effect on the achievement of strategic goals (β =.285, p=0.002<.05).  

Conclusion: The study concluded that working conditions, employee remuneration, alternative dispute resolutions and career development are important employee performance factors that organizations should adopt because they positively and significantly influence the achievement of strategic goals in an organization.

Recommendation: The study recommended that the church management need to give priority to work safety in terms of resource allocation and staff training, the church leadership should provide regular health programs to employees for the reduction of stress levels, combat back pain, limit sedentary behaviour, prevent overweight/obesity, and reduce chronic diseases and also allocate adequate resources for staff training and development and those employees need to be provided with career progression to learn new things and do things different from time to time.

Keywords: Employee, Performance factors, Achievement, Strategic, alternative, dispute resolutions, Goals, FBI, PCEA, Churches.

Author Biographies

Keziah Mwangi, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Master’s Student

Paul Mathenge , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Robert Gathaiya, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa



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How to Cite

Mwangi, K. ., Mathenge , P. ., & Gathaiya, R. . (2021). EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE FACTORS AND ACHIEVEMENT OF STRATEGIC GOALS: A CASE OF PCEA CHURCHES IN NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 3(5), 114–141. Retrieved from https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/203


